Media A Serious Thing

Ok I’m a Teenager

I’ve got a decent amount of guilt about this, but I’ve got a serious THING for Avril Lavigne.

It’s been a good five to ten years since I’ve been THINGISH about a musical_type_person and I’m probably older than you think.

Also, she’s 17.


Also, shit.

28 Responses

  1. i say, rands, you’re not the only one. huff huff hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  2. I would have to say I agree…


  3. bleh. she’s 17 all right. “he was a skater boy, she said see you later boy”.

  4. ok, so it’s not my site, but i have to say i agree with this: angry white girl – “Bitches. Leave.”

  5. rands 23 years ago

    While I must concur that Avril is a manufactured thing, I find it puzzling that chicks have an opinion regarding her. Her target demographic is not chicks. Her target is horny, doofus males like myself.

    You don’t see me parading my angst about Enrico Inglesias BECAUSE I DON’T PAY ANY ATTENTION TO JULIO’S OFFSPRING.

    Chicks telling me that Avril is annoying is, well, useless information. It’d would be similar to me telling you RANDS TIPS ON EYE LINING AND NAIL CARE.

  6. yojauta 23 years ago

    I simply like Avril for that one song “Complicated” or whatever. (I am a doofus and like singing along with songs, and any song I can kick it into falsetto and trill like mad I love.)

    I’d never even seen a picture of her until your blog entry. She is quite the looker. But being on a college campus full of affluent co-eds, there are much better looking, more attainable broads around (READ: DRUNK SORORITY GIRLS AT FRAT PARTIES.)

    Not that I wouldn’t go nuts with Avril if she were willing. :/

  7. Now, now, there are always drunk girls to be had at sororities. It’s called date rape. You have to be pretty sad not to get any of that or to sit in the same rest area stall for a day tapping your foot hoping someone will notice.

  8. Settle 23 years ago

    Yeah three cheers for date rape – why ya gotta go make everything so complicated?

    In all seriousness, what do you find attractive about her? I honestly don’t see it and my hetersexuality is the stuff of legend back home.

    Ask yourself – what are girls like that actually *like*? They have a lot to say. They write songs. They dress in rigid uniforms of nonuniformity. They are short, stupid, exploited and uncomfortable with their natural hair colour. SIR COULD YOU PLEASE NEVER RETURN TO THIS MALL EVER AGAIN.

    Besides, aren’t you married or something? What do the womenfolk feel about your hankering for 17 year old girls?

  9. Gottheit 23 years ago

    I’ve never heard of her. Stay away from pop-culture, embrace the underground.

  10. Stonewall Jackson 23 years ago

    Yeah like the bands on MTV2

  11. She is very beautiful. There’s nothing wrong with having a “thing” for someone, no matter what age you are. Just my opinion.

  12. HOW OLD ARE YOU ANYWAY??? I’m thirtyeight and I still have a major boner for Britney. Well grudgefuck anyway. Did you see the picture in Rolling Stone last December where you could see her little shaved nineteenyearold SLIT? WHATS NOT TO LIKE??? And then there’s Buffy. Oh plus my wife.

  13. zhixel 23 years ago

    Wow. Yeah. Long straight blonde hair, just like everyone else. Enticing. Duh?

    If I could get past that, it’d be gone quickly once she opened her mouth.

  14. Gottheit 23 years ago

    What I wanna know is who the person was five to ten years ago you were “thingish” about.

  15. yojauta 23 years ago

    t urk rands is rapidly approaching 60.

    t Gottheit by “five to ten” he meant “forty” and the person was Patty Duke.

  16. Bo Custer 23 years ago

    She’s kinda cute but weighs less than most of my meals/shits. I’d rape her but I woudln’t enjoy it.

  17. Let me guess.. you saw her thanks to Windows Media Player 9? I downloaded it for shits and giggles a few days ago and saw her video for ‘Sk8er Boy’ on their “media guide.” Immediately hit DeepdiscountCD and ordered her album. Gnyeesh.

    And for the record I liked the song, not the girl. Cock is my friend.

  18. Gottheit 23 years ago

    Bo Custer said “I’d rape her but I woudln’t enjoy it.”

    Then why the fuck would you rape someone? The stimulating conversation?

  19. Did I mention that I would *DO* Avril? Also Pink, Gwen Stefani, and Julia Stiles… unf unf unf

  20. Gwen Stefani?


  21. Gottheit 23 years ago

    I would like to agree with tito on the Gwen Stefanit issue.

    However, Pink and Julia Stiles will need some splaining.

  22. jordie 23 years ago


  23. [email protected]

    sounds like one of those AIM SwimFan4U bots


  24. lowmagnet 23 years ago

    [email protected]

    Wait, is that still in theaters?


  25. girl5footcutie 22 years ago

    some girls dont have a gripe about avril as you say young man, i happen to think she is cute.

    yeah- i thought she was a poser- but when you look at it– dont take away her joy for making it- she has a life too– so what if elders help her out a little? she nonetheless provides entertainment and she has lungs. i think she has a cute look….and the fact she is small (like i am) and independent doesnt make her a bad person— i say thats great that you are cute— everyone deserves to be cute. at 17… you deserve to live in happiness and fame nomatter who you are, that is an age that really matters. when you get old.. you never get to be young again. having a happy life when you are young is very important. im glad by whatever means that she made it.

  26. Cloud Zanks Dinam 21 years ago

    Hi, all i’ve to say is…

    I am very proud of u Avril, for do such thing like that. (I’m talking about the new song of ‘knocking on Heavens Door’ [rewrited]).

    This time u impressed me!

    I wish u could know what you represent to me, thank you Lord for give me this opportunit to know a person like Avril.

    May the Lord be with u as u r in my dreams.

  27. Joe Lung 21 years ago

    I would have to agree. This is the first time I have ever posted a comment on the Net (I have been a web developer for 4 years!) but I had to post my appreciation for Avril, one of God’s finest creature’s. She is truly awesome! I love her…