The most valuable part of a long bike ride is the second 30 minutes. The first 30 are spent settling into a groove, finding the right pace, and clearing my head. I know this is done when random interesting ideas start showing up, as I’ve written about before. There are three categories of exciting ideas:
- Stop now. Instantly tell Siri to create a reminder. If Siri isn’t working because I’m off-network, I’ll stop my bike and type my reminder. The idea is that important.
- Disposable. Interesting idea, but not worth capturing yet. Maybe it’ll come back later?
- Greatest hits. These are disposable ideas that keep come back on subsequent rides.
One of my great hits for a couple of years has been building a flowchart regarding making big decisions. Not small decisions, big ones. As with all complicated people things™, I see these situations as flowcharts. An obvious set of steps, branches, and logical conclusions. Flowcharts give me a sense of control when it’s hitting the fan.
(click on the image for a larger version)

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