… to the new server and domain. I moved here a little earlier than expected, so some links and whatNot are broken. In particular, the archiving system has been completely rearchitected for OPTIMAL FUTURE LINKABILITY. Unfortunately, this means old links may be broken. PROGRESS HURTS. HOLLER IF YOU SEE THIS. If you had not already… More
Dean @ Lessig
My current favorite for the Democratic nomination, Governor Howard Dean, is guest weblogging over at Lawrence Lessig’s weblog for the week. Go over and read Dean’s first entry if you have a moment. Dean’s comments are interesting and relevant in the context of Lessig’s weblog, they are also further proof that weblogs are net_people. Read… More
7 +/- 3
I’ve added a list of links which I frequent to the right_bar of RandsInRepose. WORLD SHAKING NEWS HERE PEOPLE. I think one of the unspoken laws of weblogging is that you have such a list — it is the webloggers way of saying, “If you are reading my site, you should also read these sites.”… More
Presidential Hopeful Has Weblog
I believe this is the first presidential candidate to have a weblog. http://deancalltoaction.blogspot.com I can’t imagine that mixing Rands in Repose with politics is a good thing, but the guy has a decent platform and I’ve never been more frustrated with the current administration. [3/28/03 Update]: Gary Hart has a blog, as well. My guess… More
Books on Your Desk
Quick! List the set of books currently sitting on your desk: – Management, Peter F. Drucker – Accidental Empires, Robert X. Cringely – Mythical Man Month, Frederick P. Brooks – The Republic, Plato – The Complete, Fully Illustrated Works of Lewis Carroll – Soul of a New Machine, Tracy Kidder – Design of Everyday Things,… More
Rands in Repose Housecleaning 2002
I’m in the process of cleaning up the site because clearly I have too much time on my hands. This has involved running the site through various HTML and CSS validators as well as adding a new Creative Commons License. These type of cleaning efforts often spin off into full blown redesigns and I’m really… More
Bernard Pivot Questionnaire
While we wait, I present the following questions.. as stolen from Inside the Actors Studio: What is your favorite word? What is your least favorite word? What turns you on? What sound do you love? What sound do you hate? What is your favorite curse word? What profession other than yours would you like to… More
Post Turkey Tidbits
First off, I was amazed to find the similarities between Bill Simmons article on Vegas and the Rands Vegas System. Second, if you can’t find something to drool over in Tom’s Hardware Guide Holiday Buyers Guide then you probably aren’t reading the right weblog.
No Mo Vay-Kay
Hi. I’m back. I’ve got a delightful stalking column brewing, but in the meantime, a small rant. WHY THE FUCK do both Windows XP and Mac OS X not have the ability to include the date in their utilities which display time? I’m constantly wondering what the hell day it is and neither OSes, out… More
Blogging is for…
The stale blog ritual sounds something like this, “I’ve been really busy doing BLAH, so I haven’t had time to update my blog, REAL SORRY ABOUT THAT.” The ritual has been in full force as of recent. I would say major contributors this effect are folks are going back to school, getting or switching jobs,… More