Management Leaders tell you where you are going

Words on Founder Mode

I’ve worked at three successful start-ups and one failure. I’ve also worked at post-IPO successes such as Borland, Netscape, and Apple, which means I’ve seen a lot of different founders who, if you measure success financially, were quite successful.

My backstory aside and with deep respect, most founders fail. You’ve heard of the stories of sucessful founder because they’ve become famous (or infamous). However, the majority of start-ups fail. No one tells and retells the stories of these companies because they never launch. No one became rich or famous. It is their defining characteristic. In his recent essay, Paul Graham talks about the successful founders. However, it’s not “Founder Mode,” it’s “Successful Founder Mode.” Lumping all Founders together would mean we should — statistically and more descriptively — call this “Failing Founder Mode,” which is neither clever nor inspirational.

As a person deeply in love with naming things, I like the framing of Founder and Manager Mode because it’s clever and instantly useful. If you’ve been reading me over the years, you’ve noted I’ve begun to detest the term manager for some of the reasons Graham highlights: unfamiliar with the details, management at a distance, lousy hiring, and siloed decision-making. I’ve gravitated towards the word leader both because I want to make it clear any motivated human can execute the skills of a good manager — leadership comes from everywhere — and, more importantly, I believe managers tell you where you are. Leaders tell you where you are going. It’s a philosophy thing.

It’s less clever and symmetric, but I would define these two modes as: “Founder Mode” and “Scale Mode” because one of the many things you need to do as a successful start-up is scale. Landing managers is one of those tactics, but it’s just one essential investment you make as you scale. Other tactics are equally important. Focusing on managers as the thing that makes you a larger successful company gets you… more managers. Gross.

My observation from three successful start-ups, three post-IPO starts where the founders still ran the show, and one failure: the founders were all eccentric humans. In a hypothetical room full of humans, which included these founders, you would eventually notice their behavior or conversational pattern. You would single them out in your head because the hair on the back of your neck stood up and wonder, “What… is going on there?” My one start-up failure? The founders? By the book, MBA types. Standard vanilla leadership. Trust me, you’ve never heard of them or the start-up.

Graham hints at some of the attributes of Founder Mode but mostly says it’s not as well-defined. It is. Founder Mode is the culture of a company, and a culture is defined by the character of the founders. Here are the values I’ve discovered over and over again working with these humans:

  • The whole team is involved in the details. Anyone can argue about the product because everyone works to be a product expert.
  • Everyone does the work. The stratification of responsibility is a red flag not just in rapidly growing team, but any company. Everyone files bugs because everyone uses the product. Yes, there is job specialization, but there is also a belief that we are equally accountable for the product.
  • An organization chart doesn’t tell you who can speak with whom; it tells you who is accountable for what. It’s a map. Not a power structure.

And finally, hire leaders, not managers.

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4 Responses

  1. Marc Matteo 6 months ago

    Oh my dear Rands, you’re so wrong. Let me explain.

    I too have worked at successful startups and failed startups and one failed establish business and one successful established US Army.

    > Most startups fail.

    This is wrong. Most startups “fail to launch” and thus make their founders bajillions of dallars. Fewer still make their early employees bajillions of dollars. No, most startups shuffle on (as “zombies” do), making their founders and employees happy and productive. Payouts? No. Paychecks? Yes. This is a critical distinction. Most startups work fine.

    > An organization chart doesn’t tell you who can speak with whom; it tells you who is accountable for what. It’s a map. Not a power structure.

    So, it tells you who to blame? Responsibility without authority? Founders under this structure are always successful for the simple reason that it’s always someone else’s fault. This I’ve seen happen with my own eyes.

    No, by definition, an org chart is exactly a power structure. If you don’t want a power structure, then echew the org chart. You won’t be successful that way, as my experience shows, but it’s an option.

    > hire leaders, not managers.

    This, at its core, is in fact right and proper. Unfortunatly it’s now a platitude that HR uses. And I’ve seen it be the seed of rot. Leaders expect to lead. Leaders expect to make descisions. Leaders take care of their troops. None of that works under Founder Mode, for the reasons you’ve given (“The whole team is involved in the details”, “Everyone does the work”, “It’s a map. Not a power structure”).

    What your piece misses is whether you call them “managers” or “leaders” or “eccentric humans” or “By the book, MBA types”, what you need is _good people_. And then you need to use them in their roles — whatever those roles may be. And trust.

  2. Rico Bruno 6 months ago

    The danger of this post is that many will read and believe they understand it, and thus base their opinion on their limited understanding of what is an actually being said… Self included.

    We all think we know best, but traffic lights work amazingly well, second only to traffic circles.

    Rico Bruno