Jim Barksdale of Netscape fame offers us these management nuggets:
If you see a snake, kill it.
Don’t play with dead snakes.
Don’t forget that great opporunities look like snakes at first.
Surreal Meetings
At the new gig, everyone is sporting fancy laptops and the whole building is wired for 802.11b. This has some significant implications on the way work gets done in a meeting.
Your Resignation/Layoff Checklist
I’m switching jobs over the course of the next week. Been with the current gig for about four years and the stench of idiocy was getting terribly strong, so… Splitsville.
The Big QA Freak Out
Mondays in the software biz are hell. Because productivity decreases in relation to how you close you are to Friday, Mondays, invariably, are full of everyone