In our 48th episode, we review the rich landscape of awesome media we’re currently consuming. Totally no spoilers. We swear. Enjoy it now or download for later. Here’s a handy feed or subscribe via Overcast or iTunes.
The One About Checkboxes
In our 47th episode, we get stuck in a place of talking about doing things. Seems like a good episode to land at the beginning of the year. Enjoy it now or download for later. Here’s a handy feed or subscribe via Overcast or iTunes.
Five Thousand Stories
The first book I purchased for myself. When I understood the science fiction genre. Getting beat up as a kid and how the marbles helped. My favorite pen. When I learned why typography mattered. Why I care about bears so much. Why Tribeca matters to me. When I was a kid, I had nightmares. Saying… More
Managing Humans, 4th Edition
Just in time for Christmas, I’m happy to announce the 4th Edition of Managing Humans. It appears that four years is the sweet spot for new editions of this book. The process of getting this edition out the door was the least painful of the four unless you factor in, ya’know, the pandemic. Edition notes:… More
The One About Those Shelves
Welcome back. In our 46th episode, we’re talking about the new shelves in the cave. They’re big. Like huge. It’s so good to be talking with you all again. Spend time with Lyle and Lopp talking about important things. Enjoy it now or download for later. Here’s a handy feed or subscribe via Overcast or… More
Rands Charity Shirts
Coming to the end of another complicated year. Each time I think we’re getting back to normal, something else horrible goes sideways. It’s wearing us all down. Over at the Rands Leadership Slack, we do an annual donation program where we ask those who are finding value in the community to make a donation to… More
The Sabotage List
Imposter syndrome. It’s the feeling that pure happenstance or just dumb luck is the reason you’re in this current role. It’s a sense you don’t belong, you aren’t good enough, and – real soon now – everyone is going to see you for who you really are. You might have felt this before, and I’m… More
Ok. So, You Can’t Decide.
Even if you’ve checked your work, asked for all the help, and are moving gingerly, there will be decisions where you can’t decide. You’ve considered and reconsidered your pro/con lists, you’ve had endless debates with informed humans, but you remain mentally paralyzed. I have an observation regarding this paralysis, and then advice. First, the paralysis… More
Check Your Work, Ask for Help, and Slow Down
It starts easy. The stakes are low. There is a legion of leaders around you who understand you’ve just begun, so when they see the decision in front of you, they proactively offer helpful advice. If the decision appears too complicated, excessively risky, or obviously high stakes, your manager raises her and helpfully suggests, “I got this one.”
The Way I Heard It Was…
We’re a team. There’s a mountain that no one has ever climbed before, but you – in your bones – believe we can. More importantly, you can stand in front of us, point at the mountain, and tell us the compelling story of how we’re going to climb that impossible peak. You talk with your… More