Plugs Sharing the love

Saturday Morning Plugs

Emma & Co. have fired up a new Apple weblog. Aptly called ““, the new site features the writing talents of a collection of Apple enthusiasts. Plus, they’ve got delicious looking candied apples. Worth a look.

Dunstan continues to piss me off with his extreme attention to detail and apparently limitless creativity. Dammit. At first glance, the site does not appear radically different, but spend some time and prepare for awe. Why hasn’t someone snapped this talent up? Or have they?

MT-Blacklist for Moveable Type 3 has entered a beta state which appears to be an actual beta… glad someone remembers what that means. Unfortunately, I’m still manually deleting comment spam every morning… and night. Grrrrrrrr.

While I wasn’t looking, all sorts of quality edgy comics have popped up all over the place. Take a look see at AppleGeeks, Combustible Orange, and Little Gamers in your copious spare time.

One Response

  1. It looks like you got hit by Naku. Hard.