I’m in the midst of chewing on an article regarding things you absolutely, positively must have in order to design, develop, and ship product and what to do when those things just don’t exist.
The article and my current work situation has reminded me the importance of bug tracking. In each company I’ve worked, the bug tracking system has always emerged as the premiere source of truth regarding the state of the product. For better or worse, it’s often the authority regarding the question, “How close are we to shipping?” The one company that chose to ignore bug data, not surprisnly, failed miserably… releasing poor quality bits on a dictated schedule.
The question is: How do you track bugs for your development process? Doesn’t matter if you’re IBM or Portland Indie Development Shop (PIDS?)… I want to know how you manage your bugs. Spreadsheet? Home grown tool? Professional tool? Let’s hear it…
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