friday, may 9 
[sift this]  This week’s first column was supposed to be some of the inanities of Netscape Secure Mail implementation, but my dog seriously sidetracked me.  To the best of my knowledge, Baxter is part bulldog, but mostly mutt.  His cartoonish eyes are much too big for his dark brown head, but that is part of his charm.  He’s only two days old, but he eats like a horse and has already mastered balancing a red ball on his nose.  Also, he lives in my computer.

Baxter is a virtual dog.  His home is on my less used computer where he gallivants around his playpen eating far too much and also barking quite a bit.  When I fail to pay attention to him, he whines.  When I grab his toy tennis shoe, we play tug-o-war.   Right now he’s sleeping.

This is truly pathetic.

I’m getting emotional about virtually petting my dog with a mouse.  Actually, this isn’t pathetic, it's frightening.

Baxter is part of the Dogz software package from San Francisco based PF Magic.   They’ve gone to great lengths to make the product as simple to use as possible.   They focus more on the idea that you are a potential pet owner rather than software owner.  In order to get your own pet, you go through a basic adoption process where you’re presented with a variety of dogs to choose from.  Once a pet is selected, you give him/her a name and they’re put in a playpen on your screen.   There are no rules about care and feeding, no recommendations about training, the new owner is completely on their own when figuring out how to take care of the new pet.

The single biggest problem I have with software programs that are simulations of natural processes is that they lack spontaneity.  After minor usage, you find yourself seeing the algorithms rather than the objects they represent.   After 48 hours of use, Baxter is still coming up with new tricks.  For instance, he just had the hiccups.  More perplexing is the fact that the behaviors that are repetitious often have subtle nuances to make them unique.

There remains the fact that getting emotionally attached to a program is pathetic.  I already have a cat at home who is responsible for eating my sofa.  Still, whatever therapy that real cat brings to my home, my virtual dog can bring to my desktop.

[sift this]  Frequent among the Bitsifter rants is the rather obvious point that "Java is too damn slow."  With an incredible high buzzword per feature ratio, Java has much promise, but little hope of reaching the mainstream until most desktops are in the 200Mhz range.  What are we going to use for cross platform application interfaces in the meantime?

Tucked away among the many new features of Netscape Communicator is a rather simple dialog that goes a long way to prove HTML can act as an application.  Click on the security button in the browser and you'll be presented with Netscape security dialog.  Kinda pretty, isn't it?  The interface allows the user configure certificates as well as a variety of other security preferences.

The HTML savvy will immediately notice that this "dialog" is nothing of the sort.  It's a Netscape framed browser window sans menus and toolbars with the added property of being modal - meaning you can't get back to the browser until you hit OK.  So, it's basically a dialog, but remember, this is HTML… this dialog will pretty much run exactly the same on Windows, UNIX, or the MAC.  It's cross platform dialog.

HTML was never designed to replace good 'ole object oriented programming.  Consider for a moment designing any kind of graphic application for the web… even with layers… and you'll shortly be running for Shockwave or, maybe in a year or so, the Java Foundation Classes.  For now, we'll wring every last drop out usefulness out of HTML until the next generation of application tools grows out of their buzzwords and into their promises.